

Driver Consent Forms

Each department is responsible for each traveler/driver completing a Driver Consent Form (Refer to myMCC > Employee Home > Online Forms and Documents > Controller's Office) prior to renting a vehicle in the college's name. 

Driver Consent forms are to be forwarded to Risk Management/Administrative Services (Bldg. 1-308) or e-mailed to for processing.

The Risk Management office will notify the department as to the eligibility of each driver. The department will notify the traveler/driver. If there are any changes in the traveler/driver's eligibility, Risk Management will notify the department immediately.

Only an "approved" traveler/driver is eligible to drive a rental vehicle during the duration of the trip.

A copy of the traveler/driver's license will remain on file at the designated van rental company during the period of rental. 

Procedures for Van Rental

MCC has an “Memorandum of Understanding” with Cortese Auto Group in which Cortese agrees to rent vehicle(s) for MCC college-related field trips to persons who are 18 years of age and older, are enrolled at MCC, and are participating in the scheduled field trip.

Each MCC traveler/driver will complete a Driver Consent Form Driver Consent Form  obtained by the MCC department renting vans. When completed, this form is to be forwarded to the MCC Risk Management office, 1-308.

Monroe Community College agrees to obtain a motor vehicle report on each traveler/driver prior to renting a vehicle. This report will establish the travelers/drivers eligibility and that information will be communicated to the department head. Cortese Auto Group will be faxed a list of approved drivers by the MCC Risk Management Office. If for any reason this list changes, the Risk Management Office will notify the appropriate department head and Cortese Auto Group.

When a field trip has been scheduled, the department will fax over the license(s) to Cortese Auto Group for the person(s) that will be responsible for the rental vehicle for each field trip.

The MCC traveler/driver is responsible for accepting the liability coverage offered on the rental contract. Liability must remain with the owner (rental agency) of the vehicle. The traveler should waive the physical damage coverage, including comprehensive and collision coverage, on the contract.

It is the direction of the MCC Risk Management Office that the same person picks up, returns and drives the rented vehicle for the scheduled field trip. Cortese Auto Group, however, is to be notified, by fax, if another approved traveler/driver will return and/or drive on that specific field trip. Copies of licenses of all MCC travelers/drivers will be held by Cortese Auto Group until the vehicle has been returned, satisfying that rental period.

Overnight Trip Guidelines

Monroe Community College, in furtherance of its mission as an institution of higher education, provides opportunities for trips, through its various departments and offices, to facilitate and enhance the learning process taking place within the College.

While the College provides overnight trip opportunities by arranging for visits to off-site locations and facilities and participation in pertinent programs, overnight trip participants are responsible for their own behavior and any resulting consequences. The College shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury or other consequences resulting from a participant's involvement in this activity.

The preceding principles and the following guidelines apply to official College and College-affiliated organizations' sponsored overnight trips.

Pre-Trip Communications
Prior to commencement of the overnight trip, the faculty or staff member in charge (the "Sponsor") must communicate in person with all participants to secure the participants' signature on the Assumption of Risk Release and to discuss the itinerary, including the pertinent clauses of these guidelines, behavioral expectations, and transportation details.

The Sponsor should arrange for transportation by rental vehicle(s), chartered service, regularly scheduled transportation service or, if necessary, personal vehicles. (Refer to myMCC > Employee Home > Administrative Guidelines > Travel Procedures > Vehicle Travel/Rental)

Medical Insurance
The Sponsor shall communicate to the participants that the College does not provide medical insurance for any student participant on trips. All student participants shall be responsible for any medical costs they incur during and/or as a result of the trip.

Only students enrolled in the class or program sponsoring the trip may participate (i.e. no friends or relatives).

The Sponsor must ensure that all participants are engaged in the planned activities of the trip. The Sponsor should keep unstructured time to a minimum to reduce the risks inherent in unsupervised activity.

Termination of Participation
A participant's involvement in the activity may be terminated by the Sponsor and he/she be required to return home at his/her own expense if found to be in violation of the rules.
Record Keeping of Assumption of Risk And Release Form
All student participants must sign the Assumption of Risk and Release Form (Refer to myMCC > Employee Home > Administrative Guidelines > Administrative Services > Risk Management) before being allowed to travel. The Sponsor should have copies of all signed Release Forms available during the trip. The original signed Release Forms, along with a listing of all participants, are to be forwarded to the Risk Management office a minimum of 5 business days prior to travel. (Administrative Services, Bldg. 1-308)

International Travel

Effective immediately, when traveling abroad on behalf of Monroe Community College, faculty and staff need to carry an emergency medical card and college identification card during their trip. The emergency medical card can be obtained from the Risk Management Office 1-308, (585) 292-2186.

When traveling abroad, please follow the International Travel Guidelines that can be found in the Administrative Guidelines through the myMCC portal. Please refer to Administrative Guidelines > Travel Procedures > International Travel.

International Insurance

Global Envoy Procedures when Traveling Abroad
When traveling abroad on behalf of Monroe Community College, each participant is required to carry an Insurance Group Worldwide Assistance Identification Card. In cases where an individual is traveling alone on behalf of the college, it is suggested that, if possible, you have another person traveling within your group carry an Insurance Group Identification card on your behalf. This is helpful in the event the insured participant is unable to communicate.  Also, please carry your College identification card at all times. To obtain an Identification Card, please contact the Administrative Services Office (Risk Management) at (585) 292-2186.

When traveling abroad, please take every precaution to ensure your safety and security.