Driver Eligibility
Driving College-Owned Vehicles
Only individuals approved by Administrative Services/Risk Management department or through the Monroe Community College Association (MCCA) are allowed to drive college-owned vehicles or rent vehicles in the name of Monroe Community College. A Driver Consent Form must be completed and can be found by logging into myMCC/Employees/Employee Essentials and scrolling down to Online Forms and Documents/Risk Management. Please forward completed forms by email to Risk Management or via interoffice mail to Risk Management (Risk Management, Administrative Services, Bldg 1-308).
The College is a member of the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles License Event Notification Services (LENS). This program provides the Risk Management Office constant reports regarding drivers' violations and/or accidents via email. Once a Consent Form is sent to Risk Management via email or interoffice mail, a motor vehicle report will be obtained through NYS DMV Lens. Risk Management reviews all requests and reports and attaches points to each violation and/or accident in accordance with MCC’s Driving Rating System. The College policy holds points for 39 months from time of violation. The point assignments are as follows:
Accidents - At Fault - 2 points
Accidents - Not At Fault - 1 point
Speeding - 2 points
Mobile Phone Usage - 2 points
Texting - 2 points
DWI/DUI within past 5 years - 3 points
Other Moving Violations - 1 point
Seat Belt Violation - 1 point
The requestor’s (employee/student) violations/points determine if the person is either:
- Eligible (clear report – no points)
- Eligible on a “conditional” basis (between 1-2 points)
- Not Authorized to drive (more than 3 points)
An Eligibility Driver report is created and sent to the supervisor of the employee/student. When a student, faculty, or staff member leaves the College, a LENS Removal form (found in Online Forms and Documents/Risk Management) needs to be completed in order for the individual to be removed from the NYS DMV LENS program.
Monroe Community College Association College-Owned Vehicles
The Monroe Community College Association has vans that can be used by the college community. In order to drive one of these vans, an individual must present a valid driver’s license to the Campus Center Operations office at which time they are required to complete a Driver Consent Form. Once the form is completed, Campus Center Operations office forwards form to Risk Management whereby the individual’s license is processed through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles/License Event Notification Services (LENS). The Risk Management office will notify the Campus Center Operations office as to whether an individual is eligible to drive a college-owned vehicle.
Rental Vehicles
When it is necessary to rent a vehicle with College funds, only individuals with a valid driver's license shall drive rented vehicles; all terms of rental contract must be complied with; the individual must accept liability insurance offered by the rental car company and decline all other rental car company insurance. (Refer to Administrative Guidelines - Travel Procedures - Vehicle Travel/Rental)
Bus Service Contract
Adequate insurance coverage for personal injury and property damage must be provided by the bus company and specified in the bus company's contract. The coverage should be a minimum of $3,000,000 per occurrence. (Refer to Administrative Guidelines - Travel Procedures - Vehicle Travel/Rental - Bus Charter)
Regularly Scheduled Carriers
Regularly scheduled transportation service providers (e.g. Greyhound, Airlines, and Amtrak) may be utilized for the trip transportation.
Personal Vehicles
Personal vehicles should only be used on a voluntary basis; the owners/drivers must provide their own insurance coverage; all student participants choosing to ride in a private automobile do so voluntarily and at their own risk. The College shall not insure or accept liability for any damage, loss or injury resulting from the use of a participant's vehicle(s). The College does not provide comprehensive or collision (physical damage) insurance for an employee's personal vehicle driven on College business and the employee is responsible for primary liability insurance. The College Business Automobile Policy does not provide excess liability coverage for any employee, student, or volunteer operating their personal vehicles for the use of any activity authorized by the College. (Refer to Administrative Guidelines - Travel Procedures - Vehicle Travel/Rental - Use of Personal Car)
NOTE: For some College employees (e.g. Admissions Counselors) using his/her personal vehicle for College business, proof of insurance is required and a Driver Consent Form needs to be completed and forwarded to the Risk Management office whereby the license will be processed through the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles.
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 1, Room 308
8:45am - 4:45pm
(585) 292-2181
Fax: (585) 292-3881